You may remember me promising a bacon week. Well guess what… It’s here! Check in throughout the week to find fun bacon flavored homemade items. As the bacon is cooking and we get together our bacon themed items, log on to Etsy and try to win your very own bacon-y things. Yes, win not buy. Etsy’s Team Bacon has hidden the bacon. Stop these tricksters and find the bacon that they’ve hidden. Below is the official blog post by Etsy’s Team Bacon”
“Etsy's Team Bacon! is proud to present our Hide the Bacon Challenge! The challenge will begin on May 17 and will end Friday, May 21. Team Bacon is giving away more than 25 prizes! Members of Team Bacon have hidden this image in the second photo of one of the listings in their shop:
When you see the "Emergency Bacon" image provided by Team Bacon member Keith of MindlessPursuits, copy or write down the URL of each listing. Remember, the Emergency Bacon image will be in the second photo spot of the listing. There will only be one bacon image per shop. The first one is on us, so click here for a freebee!
Winners will need to find 20 images to receive a prize from one of our Team Bacon shops. Here is a comprehensive list of our team shops. There are over 25 prizes to be given away, so almost everyone can win... *if* you can find the bacon! An easy way to search may be to use Etsy's search tool for our teambacon tag, or you can click on the link. Winners can contact and be able to identify 20 listings with the Bacon Emergency logo.
Look for our thread in the Promotions forum on Etsy to talk to our members, get hints or just to goof off with us.”
-Etsy Team Bacon
Okay you go find the bacon, we’ll start blogging/critiquing shops. We’ll be back around lunch.
My favourite food: Bacon Cheese Turtles!!!
You just make large patties of ground beef, put cheese on top, stick wieners in for legs and the head, then you weave bacon on top for the turtle shell! 400F for 40 minutes.
Heaven ensues.
Beware, you can actually hear your arteries slamming shut as you eat, but it's kind of worth it.