Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We're back!

Hey guys and gals, I’m back! Sorry for the abrupt abandonment of the blog. Unfortunately this has been quite the hectic summer. While I was teaching at the local court appointed youth placement, my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and has since moved in with my family. Now that summer is over I’ve become her full time care giver and I’m pleased to report she is doing better, although she is still not up to where she used to be. My other grandmother was actually hit by a car and hospitalized this summer too. It was not the best summer for Metsy grandmothers and most of my free time has been spent visiting, caring for, and hanging out with the gmoms.

Now that it is October and the Grandmoms are healing and slowly starting to recover, I am getting some more free time to be able to blog and critique again. With that being said, hide your maprons and your camouflage because I’ve got lost time to make up for and I’m coming back with guns blazing.

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